Ukiah,Or. – Ukiah School/Public Library has been awarded a grant from the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the State Library of Oregon.
Ukiah School/Public Library has received a $4200.00 federal LSTA grant to be used for expanding impact and outreach by providing a paid internship at the library for a local teen. It will be the second time that the library has received this grant.
Upon learning that Ukiah School/Public Library received the LSTA grant, Dustin Schock, director of the library, expressed his excitement and gratitude for this opportunity. He emphasized that the grant would play a pivotal role in expanding the library's programs, fostering community engagement, and providing invaluable work experience for local youth. Dustin looks forward to working closely with the intern to create meaningful learning experiences that align with the library's mission of education and community development.
The federal funds will be used to support the development and expansion of the library's teen programs, including providing educational and skill-building opportunities for local youth. This will involve the creation initiatives aimed at enhancing community engagement, promoting literacy, and offering valuable work experience. The funding will also help improve resources, facilitate youth-centered activities, and provide necessary training for both the interns and the library staff.
Each year, the State Library of Oregon leverages state funding to receive a two-to-one match of federal funds under the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grants to States program, administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The State Library uses this funding to support libraries throughout the state, including grant opportunities for academic, public, school, and special libraries, as well as for federally recognized tribes in Oregon. For more information about the LSTA grants program, please visit the State Library website at