A good old fashioned game of charades to help review for classes? Great fun! Smiles, belly laughs, and great work!
about 13 hours ago, Laura Orr
class charades
Career Connect Conference Thursday, March 13 Pendleton Convention Center All high school students will be attending; learning about a variety of careers in our area. They individually signed up for presenters of their choice. They will be expected to ask questions to the presenters as well as at the booths they visit. This is a great opportunity to check out many of the career areas and companies who hire in our region. Lunch is included. We will follow this with a tour of Newly Weds Foods, producer of premium batters, breadings, coatings, spices and seasonings to the processed food industry. Leave 7:45 am Return 3:45 pm
3 days ago, Ukiah School
Newly Weds Foods
Pendleton Convention Center
Want to share your art with the Nation! All students are welcome to participate in the 2025 Congressional Art Challenge - this annual competition is open to students in 7th-12th grade across the nation. Winners have their art displayed in the State Legislature and in the Congressional Building. Information is available on the scholarship/contest wall and from teachers!
7 days ago, Ukiah School District
Congressional Art Competition 2025
Last Thursday was our TSA Competition. Betsie and Lilly entered the Promotional Graphic Design, and Natilie and Liz entered and won third place in the Architectural Design.
10 days ago, Ukiah School
students at TSA
Virtual Reality Career Exploration MS and HS students can explore more than 30 careers using virtual reality. Students get the feel of the actual environment and perform some work duties. Each simulation lasts 5-8 minutes each. We have access to these headsets and software for a couple of weeks.
15 days ago, Ukiah School
virtual reality career exploration
Wonderful to have (nearly!) all our students and staff back in classrooms and feeling better! To keep us all moving to stronger health, keep washing those hands, eating quality foods, and isolating as needed for sickness. It takes us all working together to keep our community healthy. Thanks!
17 days ago, Ukiah School District
Feel Good, Learn Better
Due to a significant rise in illness within our school community, Ukiah School is closed today in an effort to prevent further spread. We thank all our families, parents, and students for your support and help as we work together to be as healthy and safe as possible. If anyone has questions, please contact the school office or message teachers directly via the Rooms App. See everyone Monday morning - smiling and healthy and ready to grow those minds!
22 days ago, Ukiah School District
Cougars are AWESOME!😎
25 days ago, Laura Orr
cool kids
cool kids
cool kids
cool kids
Students have parts and rehearsals are in full swing! Will we see you for the show? Thursday, February 13th at 7:00 pm
about 1 month ago, Laura Orr
Missoula Childrens Theater week kicks off Monday morning! All Ukiah students aged 4-18 are invited to audition and participate in this great program. All ages audition at 9:00 am Monday morning Performance of 'The Pied Piper' on Thursday, February 13th at 7:00 pm
about 1 month ago, Laura Orr
the pied piper poster
Winter is here! Ukiah School is on time, with normal schedule and normal routes. 😎
about 1 month ago, Laura Orr
And the games are on! Way to jump in Cougars - teamwork, problem solving, and the joy of robotics 😎
about 1 month ago, Laura Orr
prep work
Cougar Robotics is in Nampa - way to rise to the challenge kiddos!
about 1 month ago, Laura Orr
car of kids
Now that VEX Robotics is underway, the team will be gearing up for the next one. After school practice will be continuing--there is much to do. The next event will be in Nampa, ID on January 31.
about 2 months ago, Ukiah School
VEX Tournament
Great start Cougar Robotics! The Vale VEX Tournament has been a great time - lots learned, experience gained, friends made, and a few matches won!
about 2 months ago, Ukiah School District
vex bots
THE PIED PIPER Performance What do you do when your town is overrun by ravenous rats? You call the Pied Piper! Take a trip to Hamelin Town this February 13th with the Missoula Children's Theatre and our Ukiah students as they perform an original musical adaptation of the classic tale, THE PIED PIPER. THE PIED PIPER will be presented at 7:00 PM at the Ukiah School Gym. Tickets are FREE and EVERYONE is welcome to attend! The Missoula Children's Theatre residency in Ukiah is brought to you by our Ukiah School Board as a priority activity for our students. For more information, call the school office at 541-427-3731. Important: Presenters subsidized by local, state, and national arts agencies, as well as corporations and individual sponsors should list information as requested by the funders.
about 2 months ago, Ukiah School District
PP image
National Hat Day! Show us your best! Most amazing! Most fun! Favorite hat! Wednesday, February 15th
2 months ago, Ukiah School District
ASVAB Testing--Thursday, January 9 This is for all 10-12 grade students. The ASVAB measures a student's aptitude in four domains: verbal, math, science and technical, and spatial. Students get the advantage of a free career exploration program that links personal interests with demonstrated aptitudes from the ASVAB.
2 months ago, Ukiah School
Pendleton Courthouse Tour--Monday, January 13 This will be for all middle school and high school students. Our trip to Pendleton leaves at 8 am and should return by 3:30 pm.
2 months ago, Ukiah School
Umatilla County Courthouse
Welcome Back Cougars!
2 months ago, Ukiah School District
new year 2025