Ski Bus Day! - February 19th, 2021 The 2020-2021 Ski season is a bit different with the challenges of Covid - but Anthony Lakes has committed to help our students and community still enjoy the snow and continue our tradition. Ukiah has just one Ski Bus day - February 19th. Contact Mrs. Orr for details!
about 4 years ago, Laura Orr
Anthony Lakes ski chair
We are building the building blocks of life - giant model of DNA in the works!
about 4 years ago, Ukiah School District
Biology Students building a giant DNA model
We have an APP!?! Ukiah School has a app ready for student and parent use - keep up to date with events, school news, sports, and the lunch menu.
about 4 years ago, Ukiah School District
Welcome back!
about 4 years ago, Laura Orr
Happy New Year 2021
It is with heavy hearts that we acknowledge the passing of former Ukiah School staff member Doug Stroud. Doug drove countless miles, safely transporting Ukiah students and athletes to games, competitions, plays, activities, tours, and trips. He was a frequent kind face and cheerful greeting in the halls, gym, and community. Doug and Linda will truly be missed.
about 4 years ago, Laura Orr
photo of Doug Stroud
Holiday Break - December 23rd - January 3rd. We wish the students, staff, and community and safe and happy holiday!
about 4 years ago, Laura Orr
Santa hat on cougar
Christmas Holiday Break - No School December 23 - January 3rd. Classes for all students resume on January 4th.
about 4 years ago, Ukiah School District
We have a new bus! Ready for field trips, events, competitions, and adventures - the new bus has arrived!
over 4 years ago, Ukiah School District
New school bus with students in windows
2020-21 OSAA Update OSAA has adjusted the HS athletics calendar again to meet guidance set forth by the Governor's Office and Oregon Health Authority. At this time no official practices can be held and the start to individual seasons has been adjusted to no sooner than late February. More information can be found on the OSAA Website.
over 4 years ago, Ukiah School District
OSAA logo
Thanksgiving Break - November 25th and 26th. Stay safe, enjoy the holiday, and we will see you on Monday, November 30th!
over 4 years ago, Ukiah School District
ASVAB Optional ASVAB Testing for Juniors and Seniors Monday November 9th. With a recruiter from the Marines coming in to proctor. If interested in potential military service the ASVAB is a necessity.
over 4 years ago, Laura Orr