Let's Taco-Bout this Bond!
Will we see you?
Rebuild and renew! Project in the shop is finished.
Great restoration work Nat!
Proof! competitions are over for now. This online game of mental math at proofmathgame.com has had all students competing to get the highest score in our school. Our winners are Skyler in 3rd, Leila with 2nd, and Eli, with 1001 points, in 1st.
We might night all be able to travel to totality today - but we are watching! 😎
April 13th is the Regional Prom in John Day!
Sure hope you have your dancing shoes on ;)
Congratulations to the winners in the Middle School TSA Digital Photography Contest! Betsie Wallgren won first, and Alex Wallgren won third place. They both did an excellent job in their presentation to Heppner.
All of the middle school students who participated did a great job.
Who has the best joke?
Excited to see our students back in class today! Happy April 1st 😎🤣😎
Ukiah Library in the News!
There is a wonderful write up about our small library in the GoEastOregonian. Check it out!
Interested in knowing more about the upcoming bond vote? Join us!
Town Hall Meeting, Ukiah School Gym, 3:00 pm. Saturday, March 23, 2024
Hope to see you there!
Tether ball champion!
Beautiful weather for some outdoor fun and a bit of MS vs HS competition 😎
March 25th- March 28th is Spring break!
Students will return April 1st
Nothing motivates like a bit of friendly rivalry - geometry and math logic game between classes.
Current score - Alg 1. Blue 2. Gold 4 😎
What a great show!
Thanks for coming!
The stage is set! Costumes are ready! Line are memorized! Song have been practiced!
Show time is 7:00 pm!
Auditions are in full swing!
We hope you can join us for the performance of 'The Secret Garden', Thursday at 7:00 pm.!
Interested in some skiing and snowboarding?
Sundays during the month of March, we have the opportunity to go to Anthony Lakes as a school group. This is open to parents and students and each can take advantage of the reduced rate.
If you are interested, contact the school or Mrs. Orr for more details!
It's Missoula Childrens Theater Week!
February 26-29, 2024
Performance on February 29, at 7:00 pm.
All students will perform in a production of 'The Secret Garden' with special musical accompaniment from Mr Gasser.
Please join us!
Spring Trap season is right around the corner!
Connect with Coach Kendall or Mr Allen to get registered or more information.
Friendly reminder that February 21 is the Immunization Exclusion Day for all Oregon schools.
Please provided the office with your updated vaccination records. Students not current on their immunizations will not be allowed to attend school.
Any questions - contact the office or Umatilla County Health Department.
Thank you for helping to keep our students and community healthy!
In honor of President's Day - Monday, February19th - school will be closed.
Enjoy the extra time with friends and family, and we will see your wonderful students on Tuesday morning!