No better day than a New Reader Day!
Congratulations Addy!
Join Us! The Ukiah Community Engagement Committee is meeting this Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.
The group will explore options for collaboration between the school and community, share ideas to engage parents and students, and gain meaningful input as we work to build a stronger and brighter future.
Any questions - come to the meeting and ask - or contact board Member Leslie Taylor.
Way to go Cougars!
Our MS Athletes represented well at the fall sports awards.
Halloween Champions!
Thank you City if Ukiah and all your volunteers for organizing the community decorating contest - and for our win as ‘Most Spooky’!
Who doesn’t love a visit from Smokey?! Happy Halloween Cougars - and thank you Smokey!
Who is joining us for conferences?
Your School Board is ready!
It’s getting spooky! Students have done a wonderful job decorating classroom walls for Halloween.
Come see them for yourself at the Open House and Trick-Or-Treat conferences on Thursday the 27th!
Treat or Treat Conferences!
We are trying something new this fall - conferences with a holiday twist! Thursday 27th from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., we will be hosting parents, students, and community members to talk with teachers, meet our School Board members, and share a treat.
Student Pumpkin Carving contest will be judged as well!
Our fiber line is going in!
We thank everyone in the community for their patience as the Utility workers are placing our new fiber lines. This improvement will greatly increase access for our students and patrons of our library to the internet.
This project was generously funded through state and federal grants with the support of the Intermountain ESD.
Ukiah loves it’s traditions - and one of our favorites is the annual trip to the Pendelton Round Up rodeo!
Let R’ Buck Cougars!
The Ukiah School District will be closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 5th. Have a wonderful long weekend!
Summer is quickly winding down - and the start of school will be here in just a few weeks!
Requests for school supply lists have been coming to the office - and here they are!
All grades -
Gym shoes and PE clothes.
That’s all - the rest we have on hand to share with all. If your student wants some things to fill their backpack or locker it is just fine, but we have pencils, pens, and paper for all!
Any questions - contact the school office.
Couldn’t be more proud!
Each year students and staff set goals for community service - and we are excited to say we far exceeded our goals!
Congratulations on 1691 volunteer hours Cougars!
Our elementary has done great things this year - and it’s time to celebrate!
Elementary Award Night is May 24th at 5:00 p.m. Families and Friends welcome.
Congratulations Cougar Cubs!
Plant sale is live!
Our greenhouse has several baskets, pots, and packs of flowers ready to add to your garden.
Come by the school or call to check it out. 😎
Ukiah School is Hiring!
Our students are in need of a elementary teacher! Are you, or someone you know of, interested in joining our team?
Position open now for the 2022-23 school year.
Contact the School Office or send an email to
Our school could not be the place that it is without the dedication and efforts of our staff.
Each year the IMESD allows us to honor members of our staff that have gone above and beyond for students. These individuals are presented with a crystal apple and recognized for their work among our region.
This year we are very proud to present the Ukiah 2022 Crystal Apple Award to TC Conner. TC is a dedicated coach, bus driver, student mentor, and incredibly valuable part of our district.
Congratulations TC!
It's Race Day!
The track is hot, the cars are fast, and are ready to race. The weather has forced us indoors - see you at the Ukiah Gym!
Check in at 6:00 p.m., Hot Dogs and Chips by 6:15 p.m., and first heat runs at 6:30!
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) has confirmed that the spring summative Smarter Balanced standardized tests in language arts and math are back in practice after two years of suspension due to the pandemic. These tests are integrated into our normal school day and help us calibrate our instruction to their learning needs.
All parents have the right to opt out of testing for their child. To do this a simple form must be completed and submitted to the school office before May 10th. That form is available on the website under documents or in the school office.
The Starting day for the Missoula play.